Tuesday, November 20, 2012

DIY Christmas Wreath

We are finally getting settled into our new home, enough so that I've had time to finish up my first craft project:

A super easy Christmas wreath for the front door. Everything was purchased at the Dollar Tree, it cost less than $10 to make. A little patience and some hot glue to put it all together.

Can't wait to get the rest of my home more settled and more Christmas decorations put out. This is my favorite time of the year.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wedding less than $1100

So we got married, and we managed to pull it off for less than $1100 thanks to our friends, family, and just general awesome people in our area.

We spent about $150 on decor, this is a generous estimation as much of our decor was free books from family and my boss:

Dress was $92 w/shipping and Suit was just under $200 Undergarments $15 and Shoes $10

Hair was $35 (and paid for by a friend as a wedding gift) and nails were on sale Sally Hensen stickers for $5. (better photo of nails later)

The venue was free but we donated an air conditioning unit that we've had for several years and that they needed.

The cake and cupcakes were $150:

Food was just under $300:

Photographer $100 (still waiting on those photos should have them tomorrow).

Marriage License: $35

And that sums it up!

Total with anything left out was $1077


Let your friends and family help where their strong points are. But be willing to return the favor. If you can make it yourself for cheaper than buying it, do it. Not only will you save money, but it makes the wedding more meaningful. Invite only the people who are truly a part of your life. If it isn't important to you, don't blow money on it. Be willing to tweak your vision if you need to in order to afford your day. It's about marrying the man you love, not impressing everyone you've ever met.

And that's just tips from me. This is your wedding do it your way!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Getting Married Soon

Here's a hint into my wedding (forgive the poor cell phone quality pics):

More Hints: (have you guessed the theme yet?)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Help Back a Movie

A friend of mine has acted in a movie that needs some help getting the final touches put on it. They have started a kickstarter page in the attempt to do this. The story looks like it will be fairly kick ass. Go find out more at: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1627973257/redd-the-most-bad-ass-indie-scifi-adventure-movie?ref=search

Here's a short from their page:

Not only will you be helping get this movie out, but they will provide you with a little something for your help, just depends on how much you can help. The Trailer:

Sunday, May 20, 2012

It Has Been Too Long

Finally, the hecticness of school is over. I have graduated with my 2 year degree and 3 certifications.

If you will notice, the gentleman in the right of the picture and the lady in the left of the picture are laughing.  This is because this is minute #6 or 7 of being onstage after the photographer's lighting, laptop, and camera went cascading. So I was stuck up there until they fixed it. (Yay! <- and that my dears is sarcasm.) Well at this point our school president had leaned over the microphone and told the photographer to take her time, he was enjoying holding my hand. Did I mention I am incredibly shy and this building is PACKED with people. and I can see myself on two large screens turning every shade of red...

Well let's just say that I was up there nearly 10 minutes (which my family loved because they actually had an opportunity to get some photos.) I definitely will NEVER forget my graduation day. LOL.

But all the hecticness of school will be replaced by the hecticness of getting our house set up (real YAY!!!!) and by planning Richie and my wedding. Which is just in 3 months and a few days...YIKES.

We decided on a literary theme, as that is how we met and the one thing that is always a topic between us: books. I will be making my dress, creating my bouquet, making the table centerpieces, etc. etc. We are trying to keep it as cheap as possible in order to be able to afford our new home.

So if you are interested, I will post what I make for the wedding with pics through the process (which the dress will not be able to be done this way as I didn't think to do that before I'd started making it, SORRY!) But the centerpieces and bouquet will be shared. So stop by throughout the summer for wedding and house updates, and of course I'll drag out some writing stuff to share with you all. Hope you each have a blessed summer!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Abominable Poetry

Found another oldie on my old blog that was on myspace, it was about this guy who critiqued a lot of the Myspace poets. This one was written March 28, 2008, so yesterday was it's 4th birthday:

If there is something so abominable in this world as you
Allow me to free myself from your reign of terror
And watch it from afar.
You send the scorching heat down upon us,
And we, defending ourselves,
Raise our voices in vain to the heavens
From whence your words,
They came.
You have lasted many years longer
Than many of us have been alive
To toil with our pens
And our blank pads of paper.
And we try not to stand in awe
Of the way you tear our work apart,
As though instead of stone
It is but a feathered bed of fragile stuff.
You slash through everything in sight,
No one can claim themselves safe from this attack.
Words that twist our hearts in the agony
Of having literary children,
That, by you, have been rebuked.
Yet we go on, knowing deep down
That those sacrifices made
Are the only way to make our way
Slowly, but surely ahead.
And those of us that can take it
In stride and continue on our way,
Bearing the new knowledge like a badge
Instead of being contrite
Like those that stand their ground and fight
And fall behind, slowly, but surely
Left behind because of their own vanity.
Oh, abomination,
That the multitude of voices claim that you are,
Help me to wrap my mind
Around its very own thoughts
To change them into jewels
Of worth, of magnitude
Something rare
That elsewhere cannot be found.
Turn my words to something,
That will cause a rush of feeling
And earn a certain grasp of that reality.
The reality that touches us all,
No matter how rich, how poor, how big or how small.
Again and again the words they are beat down,
But every time they get back up
They are that much stronger.
That much more ready to go forth in the world,
To hold their own against the other monsters
That make ours seem so calm.
And I watch each and each as they march on
From this spot in which I hide,
Trying to gain the strength
I need in order to put myself forth.
And meet the man who can tear me down,
Yet in the same breath give me the tools
To build myself back up and to travel on,
And share these words with the public beyond.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Nightbreed Project

I am going to devote as much time as I can to helping bring about public awareness and desire for the Nightbreed Director's Cut DVD. From what I've heard (particularly from the panel this past Saturday night) if enough people are interested then this DVD could be a possibility.


Facebook Page:

Please visit both and share share share!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mad Monster Party 2012

Yesterday was spent in Charlotte, NC at the Mad Monster Party Convention. There was so much going on and so many things that we saw that it is hard to get everything straight in my mind. So I'm going to touch base on some highlights:

People we met:
Brad Dourif
Chris Sarandon
Bill Mosely
Nivek Ogre
Angus Scrimm
Craig Sheffer
Anne Bobby
We also were privleged enough to view the Director's Cut of Nightbreed. The added footage was just amazing, and made the movie finally feel complete. I was amazed and viewing Anne's tears just moved my heart, so more on Nightbreed in a later post, I have some research to do and somethings to set up to see if I can accomplish something...

Until then, I'm am going to catch up on some rest, still wore out from the star struckness of yesterday.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Crystal Defined

Like many others, I've been drawn into the world of pinterest.com I decided to make a board called Crystal Defined, this board made me want to elaborate on a few of the things that I have chosen to define me...

I am a jeweler (well not really, but it sounds cool), a quilter, an upcycler, lover of farm animals, extreme reader, fan of dolphins, NES nostalgia child, and a fan of Red Hill General Store.

These are things that have been relatively constant in my life, crafting is my meditation, I love playing with beads making necklaces and earrings. I enjoy quilting and sewing of any kind. I like to give something old new life and help it avoid going to the garbage dump. I grew up around my friend's farms and enjoyed feeding the calves, chasing the chickens, and playing with the goats. I have loved to read ever since I first learned how. I grew up obsessed with dolphins and have finally had a chance to be up close and personal with them. I am a fan of all things Mario. And Red Hill General Store was one of my first jobs in High School, it is amazing to see how much that small family owned business has grown.

I am still working on Crystal Defined. Both the pinterest board and in real life. I am working on getting back to me, to who I am and who I want to be. It has been a difficult journey thus far, but every step has been worth it.

I have come a long way since the depressed sad person who didn't know which way to turn or go:

But my journey is not through yet. I still have 55 lbs left to lose. But if I have come this far the rest should be attainable as well. Wish me luck on the last bit of my journey.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Civil Wars Poison & Wine Cover

There's a neat little band that I just adore called The Civil Wars, their songs give me absolute chills. A dear friend of mine did a Poison and Wine cover. Her voice is amazing, has been since we were in chorus together in high school. Wish the camera would have had a better mike on it, but despite that the strength of her voice is still definitely able to be felt. Check it out:

And if you have an extra minute you should also go give The Civil Wars a listen:

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

It was Wed. January 25th, 9:00 p.m. - I wasn't quite sleepy yet, so I decided to read a few chapters in a book that I picked up at the store over the weekend. The cover appealed to me and the description on the back was vague enough to make me curious. So off my adventure started.

Wed. January 25th, 11:00 p.m. - I put the bookmark in the book, scolding myself for not getting to bed at 10:00 like I had planned on. I quickly brush teeth, jump into jammies and go to bed.

Wed. January 25th 11:10 p.m. - My mind will not stop turning with possibilites at what is on side 9. The 9th person. I have to at least read this section of the book so I can sleep.

Thur. January 26th 12:50 a.m. - I finish the book. My mind is reeling. My heart is pounding. My eyes sore from the tears I've cried off and on for over the past 3 hours. I sit back. I lay the book down. I pick the book up. I set it back down. I call my fiance.

"Did I wake you?"

"No is something wrong?"

"I just read the most astoundingly, heartbreakingly, beautiful story that I think has ever been told. I will not be able to read another book again."

"You are not okay. What book was it?"

"The one you bought me over the weekend. It was just, oh my gosh, I can't describe it, you have to read it. I think the author may have ruined his future career. There is no way another book could be this profound again. Not in our time. I want everyone to read this book. I have to go buy as many copies as I can afford and start giving them away."

"Sweetie, you need to go to sleep. You have to work tomorrow, you are talking a mile a minute."

"Will you read the book?"

"Will you go to sleep if I do?"

"Yes, I love you. And when you read the book, I think you are Clay. And I once came entirely too close to being Hannah."


"You'll understand when you read the book."

"Okay, I love you too babe. Good night."



Sunday, January 29th 8:10 p.m.

My fiance brings the book back since he borrowed it.

"Babe, I am so glad that this book will be in our library. It was, wow, intense and so well written."

"Told ya." - Me with smug look.
I still haven't started another book  yet, I'm going to wait until the euphoria over having read something so mind bending wears off. When I think of the book my heart still breaks for the characters and my mind still screams for peace for some of them. But this book made me truly realize how everything you do, no matter how small, can have a huge impact on someone else's life.

Seriously. READ. THIS. BOOK.

Website for book: http://thirteenreasonswhy.com

Monday, January 2, 2012

And so 2012 Begins

So at the end of 2011 I did not post, I was caught up in the Holidays, final exams, and a cruise to the Bahamas.

While on the cruise I did a little reflecting on the past year and years. I have come a long way, but still have a long way to go. I have several New Year's "resolutions" however, I am thinking of them more as life goals. I think I will stick with them better that way.
  1. Quit Smoking. - This one will be difficult, but it needs to be done.
  2. Exercise more. - A LOT more!
  3. Eat Healthier. - I want to do this one by leaning more towards a vegetarian diet.
  4. Write more often. - Not just here on my blog, but on my book, poems, etc.
  5. Do more reviews on books I have read. - I love reading, and want to encourage others to do so as well, so why not write some encouraging reviews, perhaps someone will pick up a book because of what I said about it.
  6. Stress Less. - I truly feel that this goal will be the hardest of mine to break, I tend to stress about EVERYTHING. From the past to the present to the future and to things that do not even pertain to me. I need to do a little more living in the here and now.
  7. Save money - Accomplishing #1 will help with this goal.
This year holds a lot of exciting things. I will be graduating. I will also be moving in with my fiance after graduation and I am hoping that we get married before 2013 arrives. So here is to getting my diploma, finding a place, and planning a small quiet wedding, all while holding my job, writing more often, and getting my school work done.

Wish me luck with my goals, and good luck to you with yours.
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