Thursday, December 1, 2011

Review: The Traveling Dildo Salesman by Kevin L. Donihe

I finished reading The Traveling dildo Salesman by Kevin L. Donihe a little over a week ago, I finally got around to writing my review on Amazon for it last night, and I am going to share that interview with you and then a little extra:

While this is not my favorite book in the bizarro genre, it was still highly enjoyable. The plight of the salesman in his never ending relentless cycle was quite relateable. His ability to overcome his monotonous unmemorable cycle was inspiring, yet it left you hanging wondering if what he experiences after will be better than his past. One can only hope.

The short stories included with this book were also very good and well written, however, some were a bit more predictable than I would have liked, and one was a bit more disturbing than I was prepared for, but with this genre you have to expect that. But for the most part they complimented the main story quite well. I must admit, that the short story Zombie Apocalypse was by far my favorite of the short stories. It is how I would envision many of the people in my circle reacting to such an event, which made reading it very funny, I literally laughed at loud at some of the imagery and conversation. Although the ending to Zombie Apocalypse  is probably much more accurate into what would happen to our world should such an event ever truly happen than many main stream movies seem to think.

This was my first Kevin L. Donihe book, and I would love to explore more of his works in the future. If you like reading bizarro, then this book is definitely for you. If you are just starting out in bizarro, then this book is a good glimpse into just how different from the "mainstream" books bizarro can get.

Seriously guys, check out this book, you can find it on amazon at
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